The Objectives
WP7 Integrates new MPC technology into an existing order management platform (analogous functionality to an e-commerce store) where existing customers of a manufacturer can purchase unallocated ATP from the manufacturer privately and securely. Enable the manufacturer or supplier to implement a Lead Time Based Pricing (LTBP) strategy to charge more money for an improved service.
Work Tasks
In WP7 we are extracting detailed information pertinent to the establishment of Lead Time Based Pricing, while implementing a Qualified Synthetic Data (QSD) in order to facilitate the software platform building. We are selecting and integrating an existing tool with the newly developed MPC technology, in order to synchronise daily with a percentage of a manufacturers´ unallocated ATP. A pricing algorithm is developed, in this WP, that is capable of successfully following an auction like process in order to determine an agreed upon (higher) price between the customer and the manufacturer. Finally, we will be trialling the platform through building a customer base including the expected customer´s price flexibility to assess the system´s flexibility.

- D7.1 – Algorithm which allows for extraction of the data v1 (Confidential)
- D7.2 – Report on the potential value added by implementing LTBP strategies on data extracted using D7.1 (Confidential)
- D7.3 – Deliver Qualified Synthetic Data v1
- D7.4 – Software integration (Confidential)
- D7.5 – Suitable pricing algorithm delivered based upon simulations with the platform and QSD v1 (Confidential)
- D7.6 – Report on the Segmentation of Customers (Confidential)
- D7.7 – Report on the Trialling of Platform (Confidential)
- D7.8 – Algorithm which allows for extraction of the data v2 (Confidential)
- D7.9 – Deliver Qualified Synthetic Data v2
- D7.10 – Suitable pricing algorithm delivered based upon simulations with the platform and QSD v2 (Confidential)
See the general description of the project and all partners here.