The Objectives
WP3 lays down the normative and ethical foundation of the Safe-DEED components and overall project. The aim is to achieve a common understanding of key legal and ethical values that will be safeguarded and promoted throughout the project. We will formulate a model for ethical and normative value assessment of data and enable a more trustworthy data market ecosystem.
Work Tasks
First of all, we have to identify and analyse the applicable legal and ethical framework to the outputs of the Safe-DEED project, as well as pinpoint the key requirements. The key relevant legal frameworks applicable at EU level have to be identified.
In the next step, we will make a comparative study of legal and ethical literature on impact assessments, focused on data protection and privacy law, ethics in the data economy, and a selection of relevant soft-law instruments such as corporate social responsibility (CSR). Also, the positive externalities of (merging) datasets have to be evaluated to more clearly identify and evaluate the potential broader societal, ethical and normative “value”. The aim is to engender more trust (individual and societal) in data markets. To reach this goal, we have to formulate a definition of trust that can be used as aim within the project and analyse the ethical and normative tensions brought about by the commodification of (personal) data, particularly in light of values that underlie the European identity (for example the respect of human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, security, the rule of law).
Besides that, we also have to identify and investigate how the developed technology can foster rather than undermine ethical and normative values. At the end, we will develop a teaching module aimed at students in all relevant disciplines, which will contain key results of the project to ensure a bottom-up awareness and consideration of ethical and normative dimensions in data markets. The materials developed will be made publicly available online so that others can use them.

- D3.1 – Legal Framework and Ethical Issues
- D3.2 – Legal and Ethical Requirements
for Personal Data Use Case - D3.3 – Legal and Ethical Requirements
for Non-Personal Data Use Case - D3.4 – Ethical and Normative Valuation in Data Markets
- D3.5 – Syllabus for Teaching Module
- D3.6 – Trust in Data Markets v1
- D3.7 – Trust in Data Markets v2 (Nov. 2021)
See the general description of the project and all partners here.