Lukas Helminger, KNOW Center, WP5

The Safe-DEED data valuation component (DVC) provides companies with a tool for estimating their data’s value. Roughly speaking, this assessment is split into two sub-components:
• a questionnaire, and
• an automatic data analysis.

In this blog entry, we show you how we make the questionnaire privacy-preserving. Why are we concerned about privacy/confidentiality? Because a company using the data valuation component must answer sensitive questions about its data, e.g.
• Is the data already producing money?
• Is the data usage shared with partners?
• Is the data used to establish a new business/R&D direction?
Therefore, it is crucial to assure companies privacy even against malicious behavior.

How do we guarantee privacy?

The answers to the questionnaire get homomorphically encrypted before sending them to the DVC. Due to the nature of homomorphic encryption, we can perform the valuation without decrypting the company’s answers. (The company is the only one who has the decryption key.) After the valuation, the DVC sends back the company’s score, which can then decrypt the result and thereby receive its score.

If you want to know more, you can go on and read deliverable D5.8.