A Horizontal Patent Test Collection

A Horizontal Patent Test Collection

Mihai Lupu, Alexandros Bampoulidis, Luca Papariello (2019) We motivate the need for, and describe the contents of a novel patent research collection, publicly available and for free, covering multimodal and multilingual data from six patent authorities. The new patent...

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Kickstarting MPC ideas with FRESCO

Kickstarting MPC ideas with FRESCO

Fabian Schmid, TU Graz, WP 5 We developed a Multi-Party Computation (MPC) project using FRESCO. First, we had a privacy-preserving auction in mind. In such a scenario, everyone could bid in private, and only the highest bidder and bid would become known to the...

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Qualified Synthetic Data

Qualified Synthetic Data

Alexander Georg, Infinion, WP 7 Synthetic data make an important contribution to data analysis and research. They are commonly described as “any production data applicable to a given situation that are not obtained by direct measurement” (Parker, 1984). Qualified...

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The first Safe-DEED demonstrator in Forthnet

The first Safe-DEED demonstrator in Forthnet

Yiannis Markopoulus, Forthnet, Leader WP6 In the first version of the Safe-DEED demonstrator we introduce a web Graphical User Interface (GUI), designed to provide tools for dataset linkage without running the risk of data leakage. The GUI accommodates three main...

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Legal challenges in the machine-to-machine context

Legal challenges in the machine-to-machine context

Alessandro Bruni, KU Leuven, Leader WP3 One of the most crucial EU legislative initiatives that will be taken into account in the development of the Safe-DEED project is the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC). The EECC, one of the ten Digital Single Market...

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Safe-DEED at the BDVA summit in Riga

Safe-DEED at the BDVA summit in Riga

From 26 - 28 June the BDVA Meetup 2019 took place in Riga. Yannis Makropoulos from Forthnet and Mihai Lupu from RSA FG represented the Safe-DEED project there. In their talk they presented the vision of Safe-DEED and talked about the progress of the project. You can...

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