Realizing Control in Data Marketplaces Through Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC): An Exploratory Study
Riccardo Dolci & Wirawan Agahari, TU Delft, WP2 In today’s digitally transformed and connected world, data has become a critical strategic corporate resource. In this context, data marketplaces are becoming more popular since they enable wider accessibility...
EU Governance Challenges in the Digital Single Market Context
Alessandro Bruni, KU Leuven, WP3 The technological novelties and new opportunities created within the framework of the Safe-DEED project aim to increase opportunities for businesses in the context of the EU Digital Single Market. Unfortunately, when it comes to the EU...
The Safe-DEED Demonstrator – Second Version
Following the initial phase personal data trials, the Safe-DEED consortium provided requirements on the next phase towards the application and demonstrator implementers. In addition, since the privacy legislation and regulatory requirements analysis progressed,...
Supporting Tools for Designing Data Driven Business Models
Gert Breitfuss, Know-Center, WP2 Economic Aspects and Business Models The availability of data sources (internal, external, existing, and new) and advances in privacy-preserving technologies (e.g. anonymization, multi-party computation) and artificial intelligence...