Qualified Synthetic Data
Alexander Georg, Infinion, WP 7 Synthetic data make an important contribution to data analysis and research. They are commonly described as “any production data applicable to a given situation that are not obtained by direct measurement” (Parker, 1984). Qualified...
The first Safe-DEED demonstrator in Forthnet
Yiannis Markopoulus, Forthnet, Leader WP6 In the first version of the Safe-DEED demonstrator we introduce a web Graphical User Interface (GUI), designed to provide tools for dataset linkage without running the risk of data leakage. The GUI accommodates three main...
Legal challenges in the machine-to-machine context
Alessandro Bruni, KU Leuven, Leader WP3 One of the most crucial EU legislative initiatives that will be taken into account in the development of the Safe-DEED project is the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC). The EECC, one of the ten Digital Single Market...
Assessing the applicability of machine learning techniques on data sets
Luca Papariello, Mihnea Tufis, EURECAT, WP4 An important component of the Safe-DEED project is concerned with data valuation. This component receives a data set (or a snapshot thereof) and returns an estimate for the value of a data set. Assigning a value to...